Business Performance Interventions

Get support to turn around business performance or reach new heights.

Catalysing a new level of performance

FirstHuman has helped business leaders across fifteen countries and five continents to achieve a new levels of business performance for their organisations.


Successful interventions.


years partnering at the highest levels.


of clients join our leadership network.

All business leaders know deep down that they have another gear.

But how to breakthrough to that next level of performance?

It’s not about working harder. And it’s not about driving staff harder.

It’s about learning to connect with others in a new way. 

Identifying and releasing constraints.

Opening up to new possibility and be willing to test assumptions.

What can help you get to a new level of leadership quickly?

The right coaching support delivered at the right time.

Trusted by global leaders

We assist many organisations – from start-ups to major enterprises – elevating their leaders to new levels of performance effectiveness.

Supporting leaders
to catalyse growth

Working with your organisation to provide in the areas that matter for your business right now.

Build a bigger vision

Build a
bigger vision

Create spaces where teams achieve beyond current constraints.


Creatively tackle setbacks, foster resilience and adaptively solve problems.


Engage your people in new ways to find innovations for business growth.


Learn to lead in a way that enhances collaboration across your business.


Tune in to your people at a new level to strengthen bonds, loyalty and a sense of purpose.


Cause your employees to take on accountability at a new level, driving breakthrough results.

Unify team

Align diverse perspectives toward a shared vision, fostering unity and collective purpose.


Connecting you with seasoned business people from our network to provide expert counsel.

Differences you can expect

Especially under duress, business leaders often limit themselves to setting goals according to what they know how to do. 

We help clients step out of the constraints of their current experience to speculate boldly on what’s really possible for their business.

We help them stay committed to that new possibility even as it may challenge the core identity of the business. 

Performance may be suffering due to a lack of healthy team dynamics. Our coaching approach emphasises the importance of resetting relationships where necessary and helping our client’s teams to find ways to accommodate each other productively in service of aligning themselves towards a common mission.

Through our coaching, we help leaders create a new context for accountability  for their teams. By removing the moral attachments often linked to accountability, leaders help can help their people step up and take on big goals they might previously have shied away from. 

We provide support and guidance for our coachees to identify and address counterproductive behaviours that may be hindering their progress. By holding up a mirror and helping those we coach see what is and isn’t working for them, as well as the roots of their dysfunctional patterns. By going ‘underneath the underneath’ with our coachees, we equip them be the best version of themselves more of the time.

Great leadership lies in the ability to re-frame any situation. 

Not pollyannaism, but accepting current reality, then using this as fuel to find creative possibilities.

We help our coachees master the art of the re-frame.

Business leadership is 24/7 resilience training. 

How to stay energised under prolonged periods of stress?

The key to resilience is learning when and how you get emotionally ‘hooked’ by your situation.

We help those we work with recognise when they’ve gotten drawn into a situation that is unnecessarily sapping their energy. 

As our clients learn to unhook, they gain new levels of energy, freedom and resilience.

All organisations are in constant flux. They must be able to change as fast as the change around them.

Change leadership is a vital capability for our coachees to continually develop. Our clients learn to navigate resistance effectively, paving the way for progress and positive change.


Supporting our coachees to find a new ways to be in the world, elevating confidence and performance.


FirstHuman enabled an immediate shift in leadership performance and set us on a journey that brought the desired results, excitement and energy back.

Leigh Pomlett
Executive Director, CEVA Logistics

The coaching fundamentally changed my life and I use what I learned literally every day.  Setting bigger goals became a way of life. I learned how to deal with my own fears, how to dream, collaborate and deliver.

Gretchen Haskins
CEO, HeliOffshore

FirstHuman has the expertise and courage to take on any challenge. Their profoundly insightful and pragmatic approach has delivered extraordinary results for our business and leadership. Any organisation would reap massive benefit from working with them.

Current Role Requires Confidentiality
Group Executive, FTSE 10 Company

Schedule a call to get your performance on a new track

Our approach

No fluff. 

No rigid frameworks

No preaching. 

The client is our material.

We go ‘underneath the underneath’ to get the root causes of performance limitations.

New perspectives. Different actions. Breakthrough results.

As leadership strengthens, performance improvements are inevitable.

The team

Oddi Aasheim

Richard Atherton

Phillida Fleming

Gary Borland

Get in touch
to find out more

Still have questions? Get in touch to find out more.

Oddi Aasheim

Performance Interventions

I feel privileged getting to spend my days working with people that are up for making our world a truly exciting and fulfilling place. I partner with leaders and executives committed to transforming their organisations, develop groundbreaking strategic solutions, mobilising executive teams and organisations into passionate and purposeful action.

Richard Atherton

Organisational Agility

I'm passionate about building great companies and helping the people who lead them - at all levels. I hold a mirror to individuals and to teams and compassionately have them own what they need to change. Are you ready to work at depth to cause the extraordinary to happen?

Phillida Fleming

Leadership Development

If you are looking for a new capacity for performance for yourself as a leader, and for your teams, then I could be looking for you… You could join the exceptional collection of senior leaders with substantial accountability with whom I have the privilege to partner and immediately impact your actions and produce unprecedented results.

Gary Borland


The world is transformed by self-aware, committed people who stand for a new future, lead from a position of conviction and not fear, and who understand the power of unlocking the capabilities and potential of their people. I have the incredible privilege of partnering with senior leaders and executives in pursuit of those futures.

Request a free workshop
for your organisation

Choosing the right partner can be difficult, that is why we offer a free introductory 'How to Be Extraordinary in an Uncertain World' workshop to allow you to experience the impact we could have in developing your people's potential.
Enter your details to find out more